Monday, September 04, 2006

Changes and major tiyul suckage revisited 2.0

I will never be the same person I was this June. I have been irrevocably changed for the better. This summer has changed me in so many ways I am so much more educated about my Judaism. I've found many meaningful practices that I have adopted (some that I never thought I would ever do) that deviate for what many would call the norm but I don't seem to really care about that any more.
Kutz 2006 - Your are the facilitators of this change.
David Singer- set the ground work for some great changes and challenged me so much with some things he posted on his blog.
Rabbi Andy Bachman- started me on a path to expiermentation with his visit to Jewstuds 05 urging us to all lay tefflin. After that I said I'd try that agian. it would take almost a year for that to happen. I did and I enjoyed it I said that I'd have to do it more times to see if it really worked for me. But at that point my courage dried up you see I hate feeling like the only one doing something I feel like I'm the center of attention(even whan I'm not) and at that point I was the only girl and my comfort level fell so the idea of attempting died . I will try agian soon I hope. Rabbi Bachman came back managed to get mt thinking about Eco-kashrut I like th idea I'm still creationg my system of Eco-kashrut.
the Anachnu Rotszim Crew- Got me thinking about the moshciach I see now that I have two conflicting views my poetic view i don't want to explain in now it's complicated( if you want to talk about that one comment im or email me) and the view that he will come the temple will be rebuilt but Rabbnic Judaism will live on. these views conflict to the nth degree and I can't seem to reconsile them.
All who have not been mentioned- You all have changed me just by being my family for 3.5 weeks.

I'm not going to lie I miss camp I concider Kutz my home and feel that my time in Chicago is more of a Tiyul then going to camp or anywhere else (except Israel) is. And most of my time here has been spent in front of the computer I am now sitting at since none of my friends were really around. so in short these weeks have sucked.

So at this time last year I had a post quite like this and these were the things i had to look forward to.
school starts on tuseday so the year of hell begins It wasn't that bad
at least im on regional cabinet. I didn't really do anything not my fault lets hope that changes if I get Rosh Tzion
EiE in feb i hope. didn't happen almost riped my hair out but yet it didn't dawn on me that I was a Zionist until this summer but then agian I think that a having a strong connection with Israel and being a Zionist are two diffrent things
Biennial Nov i hope. didn't happen

So the list for this year
School Tuesday I'm a senior so it should be cool
the Region we'll see
Convention '07 I hope I want to run for boaed wht pos I'm not sure

lastly in this time of changes
Chazak Chazak v'nethazek
be strong be strong and stregthen each other

well that it for my first real post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thought i should say hi since seeing myself referred to as part of the "anachnu rotzim crew" kind of made my night. it's nice to think that through our aggravation we maybe pushed some people to struggle with a concept so often glazed over in reform "temples".
the kutz blogosphere seems to expand infinitely....
chazak achoti, vshana tova